Television team as guests at Camping Resort Bayerwald

"Do muasst hi", i.e. "you should definitely take a look at this" for all those who did not grow up with Bavarian as their mother tongue 😊.

This is the title of a cooperation between the tourism association and the regional and advertising communities/cities of our district. We were also put under the microscope with our ambitious project by a television crew from Niederbayern TV. The topic was "Camping Paradise Bavarian Forest: From Wild Elsewhere to Luxury in Waldkirchen". Our managing director Rainer Bauer was happy to answer questions about the planned measures, of course. We are already very excited about the broadcast and will keep you up to date about it.

Fancy a little foretaste? Then take a look at the page Camping Resort Bayerwald is also listed under "Hits for Kids". It can go on like this!

A big thank you to everyone involved for this successful day.

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