District Administrator Sebastian Gruber visits the Camping Resort Bayerwald

On September27th 2023, we had the pleasure of welcoming District Administrator Sebastian Gruber, Mayor Heinz Pollak and Johannes Gastinger, Economic Officer of the District of Freyung-Grafenau, to our site.

It was a very special visit for us: the two political representatives of our district and our community were able to get a comprehensive picture of our plans and designs: Among other things, they marvelled at our private bathrooms, glimpsed the cosiness of our sleeping barrel, and inspected the sanitary areas when they were completed. And despite our busy schedules, there was a very brief moment for all of us to pause and enjoy the beauty of our Bavarian Forest.

It was important for us to emphasise how much our region is close to our hearts and to show our great commitment to strengthen it sustainably.

Many thanks to Sebastian Gruber for this great opportunity.

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